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Thats what our customers say

We have been working together on projects for our company Meuser Architekten GmbH for over 15 years. 
Your competent advice, as well as reliable execution is always an enrichment for us and our clients. The Poppenleiten project has now also been successfully completed.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the many years of cooperation and look forward to many beautiful new projects in 2020.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Natascha Meuser Architect BDA, Berlin

Ein Bild sagt mehr als 1000 Worte. Uns ist der Bedeutungsgehalt dieser Sentenz erst richtig klar geworden, als wir mit Karim Bouhageb zusammenkamen. Das Thema „Bild im Raum“ haben wir erst durch die Diskussion mit ihm richtig nachvollziehen können.

Das Ergebnis spricht für sich.

Wir sind seinen Anregungen gefolgt.

Nun schafft jeder Blick auf seinen Bildvorschlag große Freude.

Erholung durch Sehen.

Prof. Dr. Dombert, Potsdam

We are pleased that our project to redesign our Berlin office has now been successfully completed with the pictures you designed and provided.

We would like to thank you and your team “Der Bildermann”.

After our first discussions with you and your team, we already had a good, professional impression, which was confirmed with regard to your design and creative suggestions.

We not only received a comprehensive illustration concept, but were also able to optimally incorporate our wishes in terms of CI and communication.

We were particularly impressed by the amount of passion and know-how invested by your team in order to achieve our goal of optimally designing our business premises.

We will definitely recommend you and your team!

Lutz Neumann, board member Vista Venture AG, Berlin

We have worked with Karim Bouhageb several times on the development of image concepts for hotel projects in Munich.

We are very satisfied with the creative implementation and the concrete project results.
We have now been able to successfully acquire new customers for our portfolio.

We can unreservedly recommend working with Karim Bouhageb.

Thomas Behir, Behir Interior Design, Munich

We solve specific problems for our clients every day.

In order to ensure a relaxed and motivating environment, DERBILDERMANN was the right partner.

Mr. Waligora suggested a suitable concept for rental pictures with exchange options, which we gladly accepted.

We thank you for the great service and the successful implementation in our company.

We unreservedly recommend Mr. Waligora in this way.

Roland Feiereis, tax advisor, Berlin

When designing the office space of our company, we developed a picture concept in cooperation with Mr. Waligora. 

A central point for us was the topic of visual communication. 

This was implemented very convincingly. Particularly noteworthy is the excellent relationship with images of our hometown.

From the initial consultation to the placement and final professional assembly of the pictures, the commitment and service exceeded our requirements.

The choice of motifs was very convincing and delights our customers and employees every day.

We look forward to further cooperation and unreservedly recommend Mr. Waligora  Further.

Andreas Pinkert, IMS GmbH, Berlin

DER BILDERMANN has been looking after us and our projects for many years!

When it comes to designing rooms with pictures, Karim Bouhageb is our partner.

We value his creativity, experience and, above all, his reliability, from the creation of a concept to the development of motifs and implementation.
Karim Bouhageb's work has always first convinced our customers and then enthused them.

We are happy to recommend him and his work at this point.

Carsten Klesatschek, rä set up, Berlin

In my work I am always looking for creative and reliable partners to carry out my customer projects.

For years I have been happy to rely on Mr. Bouhageb and the team around the picture man.

His broad experience, creative performance, tailor-made customer concepts and above all customer satisfaction as a measure of his work make our cooperation a success story for our customers.

Holger Quandt, coach & communication trainer, Berlin

Our customers always need a specialist to advise on an illustration concept for their new office space.

Here I got to know Karim Bouhageb and his creative work.

He rightly bears the title THE PICTURE MAN. His concepts for the use of images on the subject of communication and identity are very impressive.

Dirk Putzar, Sedus Stoll AG, Berlin

Als Unternehmen mit Publikumsverkehr, war uns die Einbeziehung von Kunst im Alltag, an unserem neu renovierten Standort, ein wichtiges Bedürfnis.
Die konzeptionelle Beratung durch Herrn Waligora vor Ort und die große Auswahl von Motiven, erleichterte uns die Entscheidung.
Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter führen über die ausgesuchten Bilder stets interessante Gespräche.
Das fördert die Kommunikation in unserem Haus.
Die Option, Bilder zu mieten und nach Bedarf zu wechseln, bei geringen Gebühren, hat uns überzeugt.
Wir bedanken uns für die professionelle Unterstützung.
Gerne empfehlen wir Sie an dieser Stelle weiter
Ozan Yaprak, Gschf., MOYA Baufinanz Berlin GmbH

Als langjähriges Immobilienunternehmen sind wir dabei unsere Büroräume neu zu gestalten.

Die Kernaussage unserer Unternehmenswerte wollten wir nachhaltig sichtbar machen. 
Dazu gehören unter anderem repräsentative Original Bilder. 
Herr Waligora von der Firma DERBILDERMANN hat uns dahingehend ausführlich  unterstützt und beraten.
Wir haben das Thema Immobilien aufgegriffen und uns für ein Mietkonzept mit repräsentativen Berlin Motiven entschieden. Ein Vorteil der Miete ist der Wechsel der Motive und keine Anschaffungskosten.
Wir bedanken uns für die professionelle Unterstützung und den exzellenten Service.  
Gerne empfehlen Herr Waligora weiter und freuen uns auf weitere Zusammenarbeit.

Katja Klarholz, Klarholz Immobilien

Für unser repräsentatives Büro am Kurfürstendamm waren wir auf der Suche nach einem passenden Gemälde, welches unseren dafür vorgesehenen Raum nunmehr vollkommen macht. 
Über die Firma DER BILDERMANN haben wir uns für ein Berlin Motiv entschieden, welches speziell für uns gemalt wurde. Die individuelle Beratung und der tolle Service hat uns überzeugt. Wir bedanken uns ganz herzlich bei Herrn Harald Waligora für die vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit. 

PMH Portfolio Management Halensee OHG, Axel Venzke, Jens Wegner

The Berlin company "DerBildermann" has furnished the Auwaldhof house of Korian AG in Dresden with original oil paintings. This is a particular added value for the care facility and its residents. Right in the entrance area, an impressive painting shows the famous Dresden Frauenkirche in all its glory. The owner of the company "DerBildermann", Karim Bouhageb, is an expert in the design and correct positioning (hanging) of pictures in commercial buildings. In nursing homes in particular, which the company equips nationwide, pictures are not only used for embellishment. They offer orientation and communication aid for residents, visitors and employees.

The realization of a project like that of a nursing home is preceded by a detailed consultation. In the conceptual planning, all of the client's wishes are taken into account. "Art and science go hand in hand," says Karim Bouhageb from the company "DerBildermann". "The result is often admired and receives a lot of public attention," reports the expert. “With the right tools and active commitment, convincing, individual solutions with a powerful effect can be created. The goal when setting up nursing homes is to make the reality of life of the people who live in these facilities more attractive and to improve the environment for professional care. "

The management of the house, Ms. Bianka Fischer-Roloff, is particularly enthusiastic about the regional reference of the pictures, which have found their suitable place everywhere in the house. Her whole team of employees and nurses in the house also enjoy the works of art, she says with pride in her voice. The pictures and supporting elements improve the working atmosphere sustainably. They have an effect on people, they calm down and create a pleasant mood.

Jan Fritz, editor-in-chief at b-press

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